UX strategy, UX design


About SG
130K employee worldwide

Our team is working with the digital department on the bank’s future projects for its website and app.
Note: due to NDA I cannot show any material here.

Delivering insights, concepts and operationnal elements (landing pages, app features, campaigns assets...), on all banking aspects - daily banking, credit, savings.
It involves: UX strategy, UX research, UX design, Workshop animation, Copywriting

A typical project would be conducted with the following process:

After an inital brief by the SG team I will deep dive into the subject at hand. 
- Product knowledge : understanding its key features, strenghts and weaknesses. If available the SG team would also provide data from the analytics and/or elements gained from user interview.
- Benchmark : how competitors are addressing the same issue, how other actor in other sectors would tackle similar problematics. Identify what works, what could be relevant in our field, what we do and do not want to do.
Deliverable: slide deck

UX strategy
Based on the insights gained from the discovery phase I will then make a recommandation on which choices to make and why.
It can include basic wireframe or montages to give an idea of the concept we are advocating for.
Deliveable: slide deck

UX design & copywriting
After agreeing with the client team on the main objectives for the project I would produce wireframes give life to our proposed solution. These wireframe would include copywriting elements as we firmly believe that it is essential to get a real understanding of what we want to tell.
An Artistic Director will then turn the wireframe into a proper design element following SG’s styleguide.

Hand off 
At this stage the project is usually internalised by the SG team which will then make it their own before releasing it on the website or the app. 

Elements I have been working on which are now live on SG’s website.
Note that once internalised, changes will be make by the SG teams.

A new structure for the Saving & Investing category
A new structure for the Loans category
Talk about Corporate Responsibility

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Guillaume Langlais - 2024